Melissa's Wedding!

Well I have heard from several people that we do not update our blog often enough. Since my husband seems to have lost interest, I guess it is up to me to keep posting, even though he started the blog!
My tennis season is done. We ended with a winning record 9-8 and lost to Jimtown in the sectionals. While it is always dissapointing to lose I was excited about being able to spend time in Berne on Friday and Saturday for Melissa's wedding! I helped do some set up for the reception on Friday afternoon, went to the rehearsal, and rehearsal dinner in the evening. They had a fun evening planned; a bonefire, hotdogs, s'mores, volleyball, horseshoes, etc.
Saturday morning Melissa and I got up at 5am so we could get a run in before all of the days activities. The morning of my wedding she got up and did Tae-bo with me, so this was kind of our tradition! We got 4 miles in before 6am and had time to shower and eat before heading off to get our hair done at 7am.
We had several hours of downtime before pictures at noon and the ceremony at 3pm. It was fun to hang out, do our nails, and primp and prine before everything. Melissa looked so beautiful in her dress! It was a fun, full day.
Now I am back to school, but have most of my afternons and evenings free. I don't know what will fill all of my free time yet. I do have some tennis players who are interested in taking lessons. My office hours will be less and less as the summer progresses, minus two weeks of summer camps I am in charge of. I am looking forward to reading lots of books and laying in the sun this summer. We have one week of school left and it is exciting to feel things winding down.
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