Lazy Sunday

I had a huge week last week. 3 tennis matches and practice on the other days pretty much filled up my afternoons and evenings. It was deathly cold this past week too. Anyone who calls tennis a sport for wimps is crazy! The good news is that we won all 3 of our matches which brings my varsity teams record to 3-1. (JV is 4-0). We have two matches during the week and 4 team invitationals this weekend. I expect another crazy week, but then the high school goes on Interterm so no tennis for a week.
Business at the shop has been great the past 2 weeks. Seth and Joel have been pleasantly surprised at the phone calls and walk-ins they've had! Seth has been putting in some long hours, but he is so much happier than he was working at Bashor!
At 4/15/2007 4:24 PM ,
Rebekah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 4/15/2007 4:26 PM ,
Rebekah said...
I deleted my own comment! Ahh!
So glad to hear that the new business is going well!
And what a charming orange fleece in your picture!
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