Seth and Sarah

Keeping family and friends informed.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

another win!

It has been a great weekend. My tennis team pulled off a huge win on Saturday. I knew it was going to be a close match because Huntington has been doing about as well, if not a smidge better then we have during the first half of the season against similar opponents. We ended up with a 6-3 win and I was so pleased to have a few of my players who haven't won too many matches this season, pull off key points for us. Everyone just keeps improving. Its so exciting to watch. I knew that I would enjoy coaching, but I had no idea that I would eat, sleep, breath, and dream about this tennis team. I care about them so much and want them to succeed more than anything.

My best friend Christie was home this weekend (from Anderson) and we got together for dinner last night. We always take each other out to eat to celebrate our birthdays and since we hadn't seen each other since my birthday, we went to Applebees last night. It is always so good to see her and catch up with everything that is going on in our lives. I'm still trying to get her to move back home, but right now she is very content with her job in Anderson. My best girl friends all seem to live out of town and I miss them. Christie and I do such a good job of getting together whenever we can though!

Seth's and my schedules have been very off this week. I work during the day at Bethany and have practices or matches during the evenings, and it seems like every evening I had open, Seth was working at the Detention Center. The same thing has been happening this weekend. I have weekends off, except for matches, but Seth has been working every Saturday and Sunday for the last few months. It would be nice to get our schedules a little more in sync so we could spend more time together. I guess we just do what we can. Luckily we will have this evening together.


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