Seth and Sarah

Keeping family and friends informed.

Friday, November 10, 2006

tennis, friends, projects, etc.

Hello Friends and Family!

I just finished my first full week back at Bethany. It was sad to wake up this morning and go to work after having Fridays off for the last 5 months. I guess I shouldn't complain, since I had 3 day weekends for so long. Still there were a few perks today that kept me happy.

I ate lunch with Christie this afternoon. She is home for a long weekend. It was good to catch up with her. Best friends are hard to come by and I have been so blessed to have her in my life since we were little. I just wish I could get her to move home. I'll just have to keep trying.

Tonight is the tennis banquet for Goshen College. We are having dinner at Flytraps in Elkhart and honoring our seniors. The seniors on this years team are so special. It is difficult to imagine what the team will be like without them next year. I made scarpbooks for the three of them with pictures, match write ups and newspaper articles from their seasons at Goshen College. It has become a tradition since my sophomore year of college. I really enjoy making them.

Fall is definitly here. It is getting dark so early in the evening and the air has turned crisp. I can't believe Thanksgiving is just two weeks away. After that Christmas is just around the corner. The days just fly by.
I am looking forward to a few projects in the coming weeks. I almost have my scrapbooks caught up and mom and I are talking about trying to make a crazy quilt. I have always loved the way they look. I want to make one that is bright and full of color. I also have a few Christmas projects, taking some ideas from a Pier One magazine. It is nice to have some spare time. I love tinkering!

Well, that is all for now. Seth and I both have Saturday and Sunday off together this weekend. That only happens once every 6 weeks, so we are pretty excited about spending the weekend together!



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